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Frequently Asked Questions

Dead Chat Reviver sends customizable messages to revive inactive chats, encouraging engagement in Discord servers.

Dead Chat Reviver is available in multiple languages, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish and Portuguese. Read the guide.

Yes, users can personalize revive messages (even without premium), adjusting content and style to suit the tone of their Discord community. Read the guide.

Use the command setup to configure revive messages for a specific channel, defining parameters like inactivity duration and ping role. Read the guide.

Premium features include exclusive revive message customization, analytics, night mode, and more, enhancing your server's engagement.

Premium features are server-specific. The 3-Server Premium version allows you to access premium benefits on multiple servers.

Use the command nightmode to set the desired time zone for the scheduling of revive messages in your server. Read the guide.

Dead Chat Reviver can be configured to send revive messages if there is no activity within a specified time, reinvigorating the conversation.

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Absolutely, payments are securely processed by Patreon, ensuring a safe and reliable transaction experience.

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