This bot was not invented for spamming but for users to enjoy the server through active chats. And
thats why the the guidelines are there, to prevent spam and make users enjoy the bot.
As a user, would you want to get spammed? Probably not.
These guidelines explain what is and isn’t allowed when using DCR. Everyone using the bot must
follow these rules, and they apply to all parts of the Application, including your content,
behaviors and servers.
We review reports by users. When someone violates these guidelines we may take a number of
enforcement steps against them including: issuing warnings, removing content, excluding servers from
our services and potentially reporting them to law enforcement.
If you come across a user, message, or server that appears to break these guidelines, please
report it to us.
This bot was not invented for spamming but for users to enjoy the server through active
The most common bad feedback we receive is from users getting spammed with this bot.
We do not support spam and encourage anyone to report such users.
We also have a small algorithm that detects when a user is spamming. If a user is spamming, we are
blacklisting (banning) them immediately.
Another way to prevent spam is to increase the limits, and we recently did that (received positive
feedback from users). If you need too bypass some limits,
read this article.
By misuse of the bot, we mean:
Using the bot to...
- ..spread information
- ..organize, promote, or participate in harassment
- ..make threats of violence or threaten to harm others
- ..sexualize children in any way
- ..make adult content available
- ..share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm
- ..share real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm
- ..share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights
Violation of the Terms of Service may also result in any of the above actions.