Guides & Resources

Getting Started

Understanding Blacklisting

Pfp Poldi  • Dec 20, 2023

1. Spamming Tactics:

  • Setting up numerous revive channels.
  • Using low times for revives.
  • Excessive sending of revive messages.

2. Bot Misuse:

  • Intentional misuse of the bot for improper purposes.

3. ToS Violation:

4. Disruptive Behavior:

  • Avoiding shock or offensive content.
  • Refraining from using hateful or abusive language.
  • Steering clear of sexual content.
  • Avoiding discussions on highly emotional topics like politics or religion.

If you believe your server was blacklisted in error, we're here to help.

It's a Mistake? Here's What to Do:

Contact us either by joining our support server or emailing us at We understand that mistakes can happen, and we're committed to resolving any discrepancies. Your satisfaction and a positive server experience are ourpriorities. Reach out, and let's work together to ensure your server is back ontrack!

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